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Samba log file out of control

  Date: Dec 28    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 393

I just returned from my soccer tournament and I my friend left me a
message saying -"Hey, I love this ubuntu that you installed. I have a
problem. I have 10,921 files in my var/log/samba folder. I cant delete

He tried the command line rm to remove them but he cant. He said he is
sudo when he tried this.

I dont run samba so I dont know but, the questions are: how can you
delete all of them and how can you stop them from logging for every pc?
Each file is a different name - for every pc that pings his computer.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 28    

this link may be useful;

it discusses the samba logging
configuration. The setting worth a look is
called "max log size"
"The max log size option sets the maximum size, in kilobytes, of
the debugging log file that Samba keeps. When the log file
exceeds this size, the current log file is renamed to add an
.old extension (erasing any previous file with that name) and a
new debugging log file is started with the original name"

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 28    

Ok. Now, about deleted those thousands of files.
Is there an easy way to do that?
He emailed and said he tried ctl-a but it doesnt select all of them and
then it hangs and he has to reboot.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 28    

I neglected the source
of my find.

Google "samba log level"
and you'll get results of O'rielly page,
and lots more which should be helpful.

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