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Naultilus/Konquerer for Windows

  Date: Dec 02    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 191

Anyone know of a nautilus/konquerer equivalent file manager for
windows, that supports tabbed views (to save having a million explorer
windows open)?

Sadly limited to using windows at work, but not having tabs in
explorer is really doing my nut in ...



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 02    

Anyone know of a nautilus/konquerer equivalent file manager for
windows, that supports tabbed views (to save having a million explorer
windows open)?

Sadly limited to using windows at work, but not having tabs in
explorer is really doing my nut in ...

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 02    

I will try to install some of these file managers for Windows in Wine...

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 02    

KDE for Windows is just KDE's applications and not the desktop environment.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 02    

taking a look into xplorer2 - see how it goes.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 02    

Well, finally managed to get someone to install Xplorer2 (the lite
version) for me at work (don't have windows at home and am tied up by
the security measures we have in place at work, so I needed to get
permission from the IT guys, and then get them to do the job for me).

So far, it's looking good - just got to get used to the tabs being at
the bottom of the screen, rather than at the top ...

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 02    

KDE is available for Windows. Its file manager is called Dolphin.


Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 02    

Does it have K3B ? Can it be used with KDE shut down ? I have read about KDE
for Windows. But, for God's sake, it does not make sense. Or, maybe i should
test it first. KDE is a resource hog, but if it is fast on Windows, why not ?

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