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  Date: Feb 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 307

What version of LibreOffice should I download to run on Ubuntu 10.4?



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 04    

To get the Linux kernel number go to and execute
uname -r

For the requirements go to

It can be downloaded here

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 04    

Personally i would stick with Open Office 3.2 in the default repository,
I Don't know what advantages LibreOffice has over Open Office?
But OpenOffice works ok on 10.04.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 04    

At the moment there's not a lot of difference between Open Office and
Libre Office - they've only just forked and it's too early to say
which direction they'll both go.

As Graham says, might as well stick with Open Office, at least for

Natty has Libre Office as the default office suite so it looks like
Ubuntu has made the decision to jump the Open Office ship already.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 04    

I'm using Libreoffice 3.4.0-r1 right now. Libreoffice has release a new version
not long after the fork. It is worth the change since they have added many
features and fixes that Oracle was trying to block. Oracle was very bad to
OpenOffice since it slowed down everthing...

Take a look at :


For all details.

I recommand you change to libreoffice : OpenOffice is DEAD.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 04    

I agree with BT's comments about Libre Office, it
comes with my Linux distro and does everything I

However, there have been some bugs reported in
L O version 3.4 and there is a new release
promised for the end of July - I am waiting until
before upgrading.

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 04    

Very interesting to see how quickly the Libre Office folks have moved
since the split - probably accounts for the frustrations they had with
Oracle that led to the split in the first place !!

3.4 is up to RC3 so not quite finished code but it does look like this
is a huge improvement over Open Office therefore I revise my opinion
and say that yes, Libre Office is overtaking Open Office and I'll be
testing out 3.4 as soon as it goes into full release

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 04    

OOO was given to the Apache Foundation and anybody concerned about open
source or free software licenses should be concerned by this. The Apache
license is not copyleft. Therefore it can become proprietary and be released
with no source code. This has fuelled a bunch of distros deserting the
OpenOffice ship (Debian being the most recent), so OOO future is not
assured. So while the differences may be slight, LibreOffice has the
momentum and open source community on its side.

If you want LibreOffice in 10.04 you might want to add a PPA to your


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