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About JAXM and SOAPMessage

  Asked By: Kiswar    Date: Jan 07    Category: Java    Views: 562

I have to implement some loosely coupled connection between some J2EE applications by means of JMS.

I want to send and receive MIME Messages ( in fact SOAP Messages with attachments) in Web logic which contains XML Message as well as 0 or more Attachment (Images, ....)

My main problem is converting JAXM (or SOAP Message) to JMS Message and visa versa!

I know that Sun one Application server has a library or package which contains transformer for this purpose but In Web logic or Other Application Servers I couldn't find them

Does any body have some experience in JAXM and asynchrony SOAP Messaging in Web logic (especially Web logic 8.1)?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Eshe Chalthoum     Answered On: Jan 07

Do you want a direct conversion from SOAP -> JMS Messgae? Although this is
possible, you can also, first convert it into a Java object and then pack
it into the JMS message.
Be aware that javax.mail components are not realizable, and maybe you
should use your own containers to pack JMS message.
WebLogic's internal MIME parser is very sensitive about headers. If you
can , I suggest that you replace them with Sun's implementation.

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