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empty textfield value

  Asked By: Francisca    Date: Dec 02    Category: Java    Views: 1308

What is the value returned by surname.getText()
of a textfield, if someone doesn't enter any value?
How do you test for it?<br><br>I tried:<br>if
(surname.getText() == "")<br>and<br>if (surname.getText() ==
null)<br>but neither seems to work - or am I doing something
else wrong



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Nixie Schmidt     Answered On: Dec 02

Try using the equals() method like so:<br><br>if

Answer #2    Answered By: Nagaraju Iyaner     Answered On: Dec 02

If surname has not been initialized it will be
null. You will experience a NullPointerException
whenever you try to call one of surname's methods in this
situation. <br><br>Test first for the null.<br>if (surname
!= null) {// do work  here}

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