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class and object

  Asked By: Nata    Date: Nov 05    Category: C++ Programming    Views: 597

You are storing the information about the students of a school . Following information needs to be stored about each student.
• First Name
• Last Name
• City
• State
• Telephone Number
• Year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
• Number of Credit Hours Enrolled (minimum 9 max 18)
• Number of credit Hours Completed prior to current semester. (Between 0 to 87)
• Credit Hours Left for Graduation after current semester.

The total credit hours required for graduation is 90. You will make use of the "classes" for writing this program. You need to write a student class and then create objects of that class to store and display the information. Please make sure that all the data members are private and all the member functions are public. You will write the set member function (like setFirstName, setLastName etc.) to set the value of the data members as provided by the user at runtime and get member function (like getFirstName, getLastName etc.) to retrieve these value for displaying. While accepting the input from the user, you would need to validate the data. For example the credit hours enrolled can't be less than 9 and more than 18. Once you have completed the accepting of the input from the user for the data related to all the students (assume there are 5 students), display these information for each student.

i am new in c++,pls can someone tell me where to start from



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