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Help with deleting

  Date: Feb 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 331

I will very much appreciate **any and all* *help, information, guidance
or whatever to a source of information helping me to delete all Linux
versions existing on a computer of mine. I have one computer that has
several different Linux installations and versions. All are dual boot with
Window XP but I haven't been able to selectively or en mass delete the

I want to remove all of these so that I can then have a fresh start with 1
installation of Ubunto 11.10 from a iso DVD and nothing more.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 07    

Every installation disk has as one of its setup options something like
"erase and use whole disk for Ubuntu". That should be all you need.

As a more complicated alternative, download and burn a CD with the self
booting version of gparted. With it you can delete all partitions and set
up one or two (a second for home) partitions for your clean install.

Let us know how this works for you.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 07    

It doesn't sound like Clayton intends to delete Win XP. Through gparted you
should be able to delete the partitions that do not have XP IF AND ONLY IF you
know what you are doing.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 07    

What Clayton said was: "I want to remove all of these so that I can then
have a fresh start with 1 installation of Ubunto 11.10 from a iso DVD and
nothing more."

No mention of dual booting with XP or retaining what he had. If I have
mistaken his wishes I hope he will correct me.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 07    

You're right, I initially thought he was referring to "nothing more" on
the Linux side.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 07    

I never want to be "right", just helpful. I hope we will receive a very
positive reply from a satisfied Clayton Ubuntu user soon!

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 07    

Little confusion here whether you wish to keep WinXP or just have
Ubuntu. The way forward depends on which - so can you advise if WinXP
is to be kept or not.

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