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Distribution Of VBA Code

  Asked By: Charlie    Date: Oct 19    Category: MS Office    Views: 778

I've written a series of routines (in VBA) for an Excel 2000 spreadsheet -
they are stored in a single form plus a single module. I now need to
distribute them to a number of users is a way that they can easily use to
install the macros (some of them are not very computer literate).

The excellent ASAP utilities come as an exe file for installation, can
anybody tell me how to package my code in a similar way for distribution

A second, but related item, is it possible to place these macros on one of
the toolbars to make access to them easier?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Brock Smith     Answered On: Oct 19

Check out Dians tutorial "Sharing Macros" at techtrax.

Answer #2    Answered By: Sheri Porter     Answered On: Oct 19

Unfortunately, the article doesn't help much for excel  and the points I
raised. Any other suggestions please?

Answer #3    Answered By: Ibadah Younis     Answered On: Oct 19

You could send them a XLS file with the macros in it.
To use them anytime anywhere, just have that file open and the macros
will show up.
Simplistic, but it works well.
Could you send me your Macros? I am ALWAYS interested ...

Answer #4    Answered By: Raymond Fischer     Answered On: Oct 19

You say you stored them in a form. I assume this to mean you created a
user form. If this is the case then you should look into creating an
Excel Add-In. That's what I do for where I work. This makes life a lot
easier. You only need direct the users to the .xla form, and have them
bring it into Excel as an Add-In.

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