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Dialog Sheet not showing

  Asked By: Almas    Date: Dec 25    Category: MS Office    Views: 744

I have a situation where I am upgrading some old Excel files to Excel

One of the files ("Main") calls one of 6 other workbooks depending
upon the users selection, cycles through some data, creates a graph,
and shows a dialog box (from a dialog sheet on the "Main" workbook)
asking if the user wants to continue or various other options.

My problem is that with one of the 6 other workbooks ("400"), the
dialog box does not show up unless the user physically clicks the
Excel "400.xls" button on the taskbar (i.e. the dialog box comes up
but is hidden behind the current Excel window).

The Dialog sheet (written in Excel 97 or before) as well as all of
the VBA code is in the "Main" workbook and it's not handling the
400.xls differently than the other 5.

There are hundreds of lines of code, but here are the relevant

Set PlotOpt = DialogSheets("dlgOptPlot")
OK = PlotOpt.Show

Is there any property I can add before the .show method to make sure
the dialog box shows up?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Viren Rajput     Answered On: Dec 25

You might need to use


Answer #2    Answered By: Cheryl Murphy     Answered On: Dec 25

but then the graph  on 100.xls isn't visible.

I have managed to work around it - thanks for the suggestion.

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